【Panoptic】 Domain adaptive panoptic segmentation

  • Domain adaptive panoptic segmentation

1. Panoptic segmentation, CVPR18

  • Paper
  • PQ matrix
    1. GT영역과 Pred영역과 비교해서 0.5 iou를 넘는 매칭 탐지. (GT영역은 1개 or 0개의 Pred영역화 매칭된다. → 2개는 수학적으로 불가능하다.)
    2. 클래스 하나하나 PQ를 계산한다. 예시 이미지에서 person만을 고려해보자. GT영역 or Pred영역이 person인 것에 대해 매칭을 수행한다.
    3. 매칭된 GT영역을 TP, FN, FP로 구분하고 다음과 깉이 해석할 수 있다. (1) TP: 매칭이 잘 된 것들. (2) FN: 갈색 영역과 같이 class는 person인데, 매칭되는 Pred 영역의 class or instance id가 틀린것 (3) FP: 매칭된 GT영역이 person 조차 아닌것.
  • Post-processing: To obtain outputs for Panoptic segmentation
    • Instance segmentation
      1. Non-overlapping predictions := Non-maximum suppression (NMS)
      2. Thresholding (removing instances with low scores)
      3. Iterating over sorted instances, starting from the most confident.
      4. Judging a fraction of the segment remains.
    • Panoptic segmentation: Get instance & semantic segmentation output.
      1. Instance segmentation → Non=overlapping predictions.
      2. In favor of the thing class, two outputs are combined.
      3. Removing any stuff labeled ‘other’ or under a given area threshold.


2. Panoptic feature pyramid networks, CVPR19

  • Paper
  • Current panoptic segmentation methods use separate and dissimilar networks for instance and semantic segmentation.
  • We aim to unify them and design a single, fast, accurate baseline network, the minimally extended version of Mask-R-CNN with FPN.
  • The architecture is so straightforward that they try to explain the setting, such as loss balancing, learning rate, and data augmentation.
  • The simple post-processing is followed in the above PS.
  • They expose the performance in the sense of AP, mIoU, and PQ.


3. UPS Net: A unified panoptic segmentation, CVPR19

  • Paper
  • Problem: CVPR18 methods have two separate branches designed for semantic and instance segmentation.
  • Solution: our model exploits a single network as backbone.
  • New points
    • semantic segmentation head: a deformable convolution-based
    • panoptic head: Refer Sec 3.1
    • Unknown prediction: Refer Sec 3.1. UPSNet allows UPSNet to classify a pixel as the unknown class. In evaluation, any pixel belonging to unknown is ignored.


4. Domain adaptive panoptic segmentation, CVPR21

  • Paper
  • The first domain adaptive panoptic segmentation network
    • Method1: Inter-style consistency(regularization) (ISR)
    • Method1: Inter-task regularization (ITR))
    • ISR is “consistency training” from Semi-supervised learning (semi segment CPS, Pseudo)
    • ITR is the complementary prediction between semantic and instance segmentation.
      • In terms of Pseudo label quality, stuff (semantic > instance) and things (semantic < instance) → Pseudo label rectifying
  • Experiments show the comparisons for semantic segmentation models, instance segmentation models, and panoptic segmentation models
  • Implementation details
    • Model: Panoptic segmentation model (two separate inferences & post-processing for merging)
    • Multi-task self-training (MTST): The training process is too complex. For example, semantic Training → instance Training → semantic Training → instance Training → panoptic evaluation
  • WARNING: Figure 1,2 do not mean the whole training process. So, It can be confusing.



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